Foreword by the Archbishop and Primate

Peace be with you in Jesus Christ our Lord!

The Church is the body of Christ, and all members are parts of this body. Therefore all of us should dedicate ourselves to build up the Body healthily.

I give thanks to God for his calling to our brothers and sisters who have offered themselves to strengthen our Church through their work of drafting this HKSKH Safeguarding Policy. After nearly 2 years of hard work and under the leadership of Bishop Matthias Der, a well-balanced policy document regarding our pastoral ministry and church discipline has been produced. We can also appreciate that the Policy is imbued with pastoral significance.

I would say that this Policy Document does not read as a series of “regulations”, “appendix canon”, “ecclesiastical rules” etc. Instead, it is an instrument for us to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all who take up and participate in our pastoral, nurturing and mission ministries while aiming to achieve our healthy and positive vision.

This Policy was endorsed by the Standing Committee of the General Synod on 21 April 2021 and thus becomes our guideline relating to the care and safety of everyone flourishing in the warm and secure environment of our Church.

Let’s stay diligent and work together for the body of Christ, so our ministries may manifest God's love, kindness, justice, mercy, joy and peace.

May God bless you all.

The Most Revd Andrew Chan
Archbishop and Primate
Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui

2023 Revision to HKSKH Safeguarding Policy


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An Overview of the HKSKH Safeguarding Policy


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